Feedback sought for water pricing plan

Drop in: The Essential Services Commission is asking for public feedback on proposed price increases by Central Highlands Water. Photo: FILE
THE latest round of community input into drinking water pricing is underway with the Essential Services Commission seeking feedback from Central Highlands Water customers on a proposed five-year cost plan.
Released last week, the plan proposes that annual water and sewage costs will remain the same in the 2023/24 financial year before a rise of one per cent per year above inflation until June 2028.
This means after mid-2024 bills will rise about $10 a year before inflation.
The Essential Services Commission’s director of pricing Marcus Crudden said Central Highlands Water management expects the increase will have an effect on customers, and is planning to double funding towards those in financial stress.
“We encourage customers to contact Central Highlands Water if they are experiencing difficulty paying bills, to discuss what assistance or arrangements can be made,” said Mr Crudden.
An ESC spokesperson said the organisation is committed to increasing customer support, providing equitable services, and focusing on sustainability.
The Commission has asked Central Highlands Water to supply more detailed information before a final decision is made on the five-year pricing plan.
“Our draft decision finds that Central Highlands Water has not sufficiently made the case to justify its proposed increases to new customer contributions,” said Mr Crudden.
A public forum will be held on Friday, April 28 and further details will be published online at Engage Victoria.
Written comments can also be lodged there until Tuesday, May 9.
“The Essential Services Commission thanks customers and stakeholders for their submissions and participation to date,” Mr Crudden said.
“We value and encourage feedback on this next stage to help inform our final decision on Central Highlands Water’s 2023-28 pricing proposal.”
A final decision on the pricing plan is due to be made in June.