Fire season set to start in Shire

November 17, 2023 BY

Restrictions: The fire danger period will begin for the region this Monday. Photo: JASON EDWARDS/ AAP IMAGE

THE CFA’s fire danger period for Golden Plains Shire is set to commence next week.

With a windier, drier, and hotter fire season expected thanks to an El Nino weather pattern, the municipality’s declared fire danger period will begin from 1am on Monday 20 November.

CFA’s South West Deputy Chief Officer Adrian Gutsche said the fire danger period is being implemented to safeguard the region’s forested surrounds.

“Communities may still see some green conditions across grassed areas however the underlying grass conditions are conducive to carrying fire,” he said.

“With the dryness of the forest, there is the risk that if fires start they will take hold in forested areas hence the implementation of the fire danger period.”

Districts 4, 5, 6, and 7 also includes City of Greater Geelong, Surf Coast, Glenelg, Moyne, Southern Grampians, Colac Otway, and Corangamite shires, as well as the Borough of Queenscliffe.

Also starting at the same time are the fire danger periods for the City of Ballarat and Moorabool and Pyrenees shires.

Residents are being urged to have their bushfire survival plan prepared and to conduct burn-offs when appropriate.

Burn-offs must be registered online via the Fire Permits Victoria website or through calling the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority on 1800 668 511.

During the municipality’s fire danger period, a written permit is required to conduct any burn-offs, which can also be acquired from the municipality’s fire prevention officer or the CFA District office.

Fines of more than $21,000 as well as imprisonment can apply to people caught lighting open fires without a permit during a fire danger period.

“It’s always a good idea to do these activities in cooler conditions which will assist in preventing the potential risk of a fire occurring,” said Deputy Chief Officer Gutsche.