Firefighters donate toys to 3BA Christmas Appeal

Toy story: Firefighters and 3BA Christmas Appeal helpers with their donation of toys. Photo: BAYLEY COCKING
ROUGHLY one-hundred and forty toys were donated to the annual 3BA Christmas Appeal by firefighters from the Ballarat City and Lucas fire stations last week.
The community drive has been running for 40 years and aims to make Christmas time a little more special for around 4000 struggling Ballarat families.
Leading fireman Tony Dundas said a small gesture can go a long way and help families celebrate a bit more through the holiday season.
“It can be the difference between some kids getting a present or nothing at all, and that really hits home,” he said.
“Working as a team makes a big difference to the kids and families in Ballarat who might otherwise have a quieter Christmas.”
2019 marks the fifth consecutive year that Ballarat City Fire Station has given toys to the appeal and the second for the Lucas brigade.
Mr Dundas said each member offered up to $20 to go towards a team shopping trip to purchase the toys.
“This year we got each shift to sort themselves out, just to get the shopping done in a short amount of time,” he said.
Both brigades also contribute to the yearly Winter Appeal, a similar initiative that aids local families during the colder months.
Ambassador for the Christmas Appeal Peter Caligari said organisations like the CFA, city fire brigade and the new Lucas fire brigade are invaluable to the appeal.
“Christmas time should be a happy occasion for every family and most importantly, every child is entitled to a visit from Santa,” he said.