Firefighters to Shine a Light on road trauma

Support and solidarity: Firefighters, Joff van Ek and Mark Cartledge will take part the Shine a Light on Road Safety Walk on Sunday, 5 May. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
TWO Ballarat firefighters will take part the Shine a Light on Road Safety Walk at Melbourne’s Albert Park Lake on Sunday, 5 May.
The event has been organised by Road Trauma Support Services Victoria to raise awareness of road trauma, unite people who have been impacted and support them to help influence change, improving the state’s road conditions.
From 11.30am, entrants will travel along a 2km or 5km course, beginning at Palms Lawn. Ballarat Fire Brigade Captain, Mark Cartledge and Buninyong local, Joff van Ek will be walking.
Mr van Ek has worked for the Metropolitan Fire Brigade for 12 years, is a Station Officer with the Metropolitan Fire Brigade and a keen researcher into road trauma outcomes.
He will be walking with his two young children, holding his own very deep connection to the cause. When Mr van Ek was 16, his father was killed in a road accident.
“That’s the main reason for getting involved,” he said. “One of my main roles is rescue, and I see other people go through that trauma. I’m walking to support them, as well as for myself.
“My kids understand what happened to my dad and it’s been quite interesting as they grow up, seeing the level of understanding and questioning. The walk is, indirectly, a way to help them understand.”
Mr Cartledge said it’s also an opportunity for broader education.
“Being a member of a very busy road rescue unit, this gives me the chance to go down, reflect on the incidents we’ve attended, remember those who have been impacted by a road trauma and educate people that road trauma is a serious matter and we need to look at it as a community, not as individuals,” he said.
“We hear the 98th person has died, but they’re putting numbers against people. These people have got names.
These numbers actually are people.
“Every person killed on the road has a family and it impacts our emergency services people too. It’s a ripple effect, one collision could impact the community,” Mr Cartledge said.
From Monday 6 to Sunday 12 May, iconic landmarks in Ballarat will be lit up in solidarity with the Shine a Light campaign.
On Friday 10 May, people are encouraged to drive with their headlights on to continue raising awareness. A social media hashtag, #shinealightonroadsafety, will further spread the message.
Road Trauma Support Services Victoria provides counselling, support and education, contributing to the safety and wellbeing of road users across the state.