Food relief on the move

Giving back: Shirley Saju, Leo Francis and Lokan Ravi are members of BMA, a community uniting 100 Ballarat families of Kerala, India. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
ONE hundred and sixty people have donated a collective three thousand items to the city’s food relief drop off point since it launched on Friday, 1 May at the Ballarat Library.
The council is encouraging this giving to continue, but will now accept deliveries from the public at its new receival point at the Ballarat Regional Soccer Facility, Morshead Park.
City of Ballarat mayor, Cr Ben Taylor said the relocation has been coordinated due to action adjacent to the closed central library.
“There are works happening around Gov Hub, and the best thing to keep it safe is to move the location for food drop off,” he said.
“The issue is around the signs and traffic through Market Street. There’s a lot of activity there. It’s better to relocate to stop confusion in that space.”
Ballarat Malayalee Association, BMA, were represented at Morshead Park on Monday afternoon, having donated $3900. Lokan Ravi said this was raised in two days to fund food for distribution.
“Our members are very generous. Most of us are nurses and we are getting huge support from the community, so it’s time for us to give back,” he said.
Cr Taylor said donations like these have “gone a long way.”
“Truckloads have come through…for people calling out. Initially the big need was with university international students on res, but also people…renting that needed help.”
The food relief drop-off point is accessible from 10am to 12pm, Monday to Friday from Pleasant Street, Redan. Drop off and distribution is contactless.