Free containers for medical sharps

October 13, 2023 BY

Safety: Needles, syringes and other sharp medical devices can be disposed of locally after the introduction of a service by Golden Plains Shire. Photo: FILE

SHARPS containers and disposal services are now being provided by Golden Plains Shire officers for free.

The aim of the initiative is to improve community health and wellbeing by ensuring those that are using needles and syringes can get rid of them safely.

“Having this service gives residents a safe way to dispose of sharps and ensure that needles and syringes are not left in public spaces where they can pose a danger to community members,” said a municipal spokesperson.

“Needles, syringes, and other equipment such as finger prick lancets that are used to treat medical conditions in the home, should be placed into community sharps bins or other disposal services provided by public hospitals and other local councils, or council’s community sharps disposal units in Bannockburn and Smythesdale.

“Council is committed to promoting health and safety in the community while also supporting people who require needles and syringes for medical treatment.”

Sharps containers can be accessed for free at the Golden Plains Shire’s Smythesdale and Bannockburn customer service centres, Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 5pm.

Full, sealed sharps containers can be taken to the disposal units out the front of the Smythesdale and Bannockburn customer service centres at any time of the day, Monday to Sunday.

Well-sealed containers can be simply, and gently, placed into the disposal chute.

Council officers urge residents not to pick up discarded needles or syringes if they are found in a public place. Call the Victorian Syringe Disposal Helpline on 1800 522 355 to get the waste removed.

Visit the municipal website for more information or call 5220 7111.