Fresh growth for Landcare group

October 6, 2023 BY

Well grounded: The Friends of Woady Landcare Group, including president Bill MacNeill (left) are continuing tree planting along the Woady Yaloak River. Photo: FILE

THE Friends of Woady Landcare Group are continuing their work along the Woady Yaloak River with a tree planting day tomorrow.

All community members are welcome to come along to the event and help the group plant a range of grasses and understory plants.

“What we’re doing is replanting areas and we have a project area between Whites Road and the Snake Valley Road,” said club president Bill MacNeill.

“We’ve been removing gorse, blackberries, Hawthorn, and other weeds and cleaning up the whole river so people can access it.

“The plan is for us now to start replanting native grasses and trees in some of those areas.”

The community has been working on replanting this area for 20 years and Mr MacNeill said there has been great progress.

“The entire area was completely infested by gorse and it was almost impossible to access the river so huge amounts of work have been done,” he said.

“To control gorse you need to continually work on it because the seed bed remains in the ground for many, many years.

“The major different is also that we now have a walking track along the bank for the community and a small picnic area.”

New members are encouraged to join Woady Landcare by coming along to the tree planting day or contacting the group.

The tree planting day will commence at 9am tomorrow. For more information visit the Friends of Woady Landcare Group Facebook or contact Mr MacNeill on 0409 145 267.