From the desk of Roland Rocchiccioli – 1 August

August 1, 2021 BY

Shocked jock: Sky News issued an apology following spurious claims made by broadcaster Alan Jones. Photo: DEAN LEWINS/ AAP IMAGE

Two things are infinite, as far as we know: the universe, and human stupidity.

TODAY we know that this statement is not exactly correct. Einstein has proven the universe is limited; however, the gist of the anonymous epigram holds true. Our capacity for stupidity is, it would seem, boundless.

It has to be asked: Which governmental department did, in their infinite wisdom, take the astonishing decision to allow the right-wing extremist, Katie Hopkins, an Australian entry visa? It could only have been the consequence of a moment of excruciating mental aberration.

For want of better knowledge, or resources, a lazy resort to Google would have flagged 85,300,000 results. A scant perusal would have, even for the dimmest of immigration investigators, revealed an appalling track record. Ms Hopkins is the most odious of characters; a disagreeable loud-mouth who seemingly wears racism and Islamophobia as badges of honour. She is, as they say in the classic, a right, regular piece of work, and her braggadocio deserves relentless public opprobrium!

In the past, Ms Hopkins has argued dementia patients should not block hospital beds. In February 2018, she was detained, and had her passport briefly confiscated, in South Africa, for allegedly spreading racial hatred; and last year, she was permanently banned from Twitter for abusive and hateful conduct.

Ms Hopkins arrived in Australia on a ‘critical skills’ visa – whatever that means – for the next season of the Channel 7 reality series, Big Brother.

It is too depressing. Have we plummeted to the base point where it is necessary to import such people to help guarantee the success of a program? Ms Hopkins is a divisive force, by any standard of reasonable reckoning. She has nothing to offer our national dialogue. Her deeply offensive opinions are disquieting and serve only to embolden the daring of those who share her dangerous views. We have enough bigots of our own without allowing entry to those from other countries, for whatever dubious reason.

Former Wallabies star, Quade Cooper, has applied, and been rejected, for Australian citizenship four times since 2015, yet we allow Katie Hopkins to contaminate the conversation.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark – Hamlet, Act 1 scene 1V.

US President Joe Biden has challenged Facebook, and other social media, to be more strident in their defence of the truth, and the dissemination of information. In Sydney, Sky News has issued an apology following spurious claims made by broadcaster, Alan Jones, and MP, Craig Kelly, which were considered dangerously misleading.

The spread of misinformation and disinformation – the Premier, Daniel Andrews, is not planning a coup d’état to create a Victorian dictatorship – is cause for the most serious alarm.  It is no surprise black, African-Australian males believe the COVID vaccine will render them infertile. Their innate suspicion of authority is understandable. Previously, they lived under regimes which governed by fear and propaganda.

We, and I mean all of us, have a duty to speak-out in support of the truth; to find a means to stop the verbal contamination which is besieging our lives. It is a public menace which must be eradicated.

Too many broadcasters have a propensity for expounding their own opinions. Access to a public microphone and the airwaves comes with an onerous responsibility. There was a time when announcers at the ABC did not have an on-air opinion, about anything.

Commentators have an obligation to balance the argument; to inform their audience of the facts; to act in the greater public interest. Too often it is about their own celebrity and creating a headline, regardless of the consequences. There is a prevailing determination to jaundice the detail; and to omit those facts which do not suit the personal narrative.

We are floundering in uncharted waters. It is impossible to tell for how long, and where it will lead. These are serious times. Those whose voices carry weight have a responsibility.

Roland can be heard with Brett Macdonald each Monday at 10.45am on Radio 3BA and contacted via [email protected].