From the desk of Roland Rocchiccioli – 5 December

December 5, 2021 BY

What the Australian test cricketer/wicketkeeper, Tim Paine, does in his private life is categorically none of our business. We have become a nation of sticky-beaks and treacle-noses; mean-spirited, self-righteous spectators dropping ash from a great height.

THE public opprobrium which has been heaped on this young man is a disgrace. The relish with which some have watched his demise is reprehensible. The alacrity with which some have been ducking and weaving to save their own skin is shameful.

What he sent her, and she sent him, is none of our business – nor should we care. There is no doubt: if it were possible, there are those media outlets who would show the photograph publicly, and as often as possible.

It is shameful that those broadcasters whose own lives, and their numerous peccadilloes, would not stand the same degree of scrutiny, are those who are heaping the most scorn; delighting in the unravelling of Paine’s career.

There are sporting commentators who past antics would, if revealed to the public, see them thrown onto the scrapheap of unemployment. One is particularly egregious; however, it was a long time ago and he is truly apologetic. He does not deserve to be punished for something which occurred in his green and salad days. We are, none of us – in or out of public life – free of indiscretion. What seems like a good idea at the time has a propensity for later returning to wreak havoc.

It is a puzzlement how a private exchange – in this case a picture and emails – has found its way into the public forum. It would not be unreasonable to ponder how that came to pass, and for why? Someone has taken the decision – several years later – to share them. It would be safe to assume it was not Paine who broke the bond of trust which exists, by definition, when two consenting adults are vicariously engaging in any kind of sexual shenanigans, in whichever electronic form.

It was agreed, seemingly by both parties, the interaction was consensual, private, occurred only on the one occasion, was between mature adults, and was not repeated. That, surely, should have been the end of the matter.

Gossip occupies the minds of those who have nothing better to think about. Paine’s private life is matter for him, his wife, and his family. Furthermore, he is a cricketer – no more, nor less. He hits a ball with a piece of willow. Nothing he does affects the course of anyone’s life – except for a fleeting bout of sporting doldrums when Australia losses a test match.

Those who sit in spiteful judgement on other people should stop and think about the pain and hurt inflicted as a consequence of their vile behaviour.

Get a life!

It demands a certain hubris to travel half-way around the world to interview a singing superstar, and to then reveal, casually, you have not listened to the album you are there to discuss.

It is so preposterous I am not surprised. Too often the interviewer becomes the centre of story; and increasingly, they are more concerned about their own public persona than about showing the interviewee in the best possible light.

You know, immediately, there has been no preparation when the interviewer’s opening gambit is, “Welcome to the show, and tell me what you’ve done.”  A reply guaranteed to put them on the back foot is to ask, innocently, “In which year?”

It is inconceivable that Matt Doran from Channel 7 fronted-up to an interview with Adele having not listened to her latest album – which was the sole reason he had been granted the one-off opportunity. It is not a hanging-offence, but it does show a decided lack of regard for her work, and is bad manners. Also, it tells you a great deal about the hubris of the man. Patently, he thought the basic ‘how, when, where, why, and what’ questions would be enough to get him over the line.

Celebrity is dangerous, and fame is a parasite which lives in any carcase. Doran, who was suspended for two-weeks by his employer, needs to stop believing his own publicity and get-on with the job for which he is paid.

I worked on television for about 35-years. It is not difficult. I promise – if you trained it, a goat could do it!

Roland can be heard with Brett Macdonald each Monday morning at 10.45am on radio 3BA and contacted by people, and goats, via [email protected].