Fun for everyone this Children’s Week

Learn and play: From the dojo to the library, there’s lots of activities for kids and families to get involved with across the Shire this Children’s Week. Photo: FILE
CHILDREN’S Week has arrived in the Golden Plains Shire for another year, and to celebrate kids’ skills and achievements, there’s plenty of fun events planned for families across the region.
Shire officers are working with local childcare centres, kindergartens, and community groups to deliver the activities for free from Saturday 21 to Sunday 29 October, with an aim to make them accessible and inclusive for everyone.
“This year we’re embracing the theme, children have a right to relax, play and take part in activities they enjoy, and it’s great to see so many places across the Shire offering activities for Children’s Week,” said municipal manager of community wellbeing Emma Wheatland.
“We encourage everyone to embrace the activities on offer and create some fun and lasting memories.”
At Inverleigh’s Yerram Yaluk Bun Play Space, a mindful movement session for families will be facilitated on Tuesday 24 October from 9.45am, and at Haddon’s Damashii Karate Dojo, children aged 4 to 12 can try karate and self-defence on Saturday 28 October.
At the Bannockburn Library, Toddler Time will run on Tuesday 24 October from 10.30am to 11.00am, and preschool story time is set for Thursday 26 October, from 10.30 to 11.15am.
On Friday 27 October, baby time is set from 11.30am to 11.50am, while a Pop-up Playgroup about STEM and stories is scheduled for 10am to 11am.
Meredith Community Centre is also leading free kindergarten and primary school-aged mindfulness sessions, and one for mums and babies, throughout the week. Contact 0403 667 840 to register.