Gardens get gong

July 13, 2020 BY

The Indigenous sculpture park in Lake Wendouree’s North Gardens. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY

LAKE Wendouree’s North Gardens Landscape Masterplan has received a couple of nods at the 2020 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Victorian State Awards.

The project won an award of excellence in the Cultural Heritage category as well as a regional achievement award.

The North Gardens project is part of the overall Lake and Gardens Masterplan and includes the creation of a sculpture park focusing on First Nations Peoples’ art.

“The North Gardens Landscape Masterplan project is a stunning addition to the Lake Wendouree area,” said mayor Cr Ben Taylor.

“The team is to be commended for their dedicated work on the project and their strong commitment to public art.”

The masterplan was produced with the help of Professor David Jones, Mandy Nicholson, Glenn Romanis and Basalt Art.