Gates open to riders at pony club

Horsing around: Rokewood Pony Club is a volunteer-run organisation which was formed in 2001. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE members of Golden Plains’ littlest equine organisation, the Rokewood Pony Club, will host their combined training day next month.
Riders young and old are invited to take part in the action, or to spectate, on Saturday 4 November during the event at the Woady Yaloak Equestiran Centre in Smythesdale.
There are two phases involved in the program, dressage and showjumping, and a horse and rider’s two scores will be combined for an overall score.
“We offer sections for pony club riders, and open riders, from grades one to six,” RPC event secretary Nadine Gass said.
“We generally attract people from as far as Melbourne, Geelong, central Victoria, and the Wimmera, but people are picking and choosing events at the moment because of the cost.
“However, our entry fees are pretty reasonable and not expensive, which we hope will attract more people.”
Ms Gass said the committee is always looking for new members to join Rokewood Pony Club, and they encourage those who may be interested to head along to the combined training day, or an upcoming open day, to see what they have to offer.
“We’re also holding a come-and-try day the next day, Sunday 5 November,” she said. “Kids get to experience a pony club day and can choose whether they’d like to join in the new year when membership starts.
“We’re a small family-oriented club who intake riders five years and over. As a smaller club, we have a small band of volunteer parents. The Sunday is a good experience to see what it’s like.”
Contact [email protected] to express interest.