Gazette heads online part-time

July 23, 2021 BY

On the line: The Golden Plains Shire Gazette is getting an online version that’ll be published six times a year. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY

GOLDEN Plains Shire’s official print publication is expanding with a new e-edition of the municipal gazette set to debut later this year.

Known as the eGazette, the web-based newsletter will be issued bi-monthly, alternating with the Shire’s hard copy gazette.

“Council is thrilled to add the eGazette as yet another way for residents to stay connected with council and up-to-date with what’s happening across the Shire,” said mayor Cr Helena Kirby.

“Community members can sign-up to receive the new e-newsletter from mid-August by registering on council’s website or by emailing our communications and engagement team.”

The eGazette will join a range of other online communication platforms offered by the Shire, including social media profiles on Facebook, twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as the municipal website.

A statement issues by Golden Plains Shire said delivery of the eGazette product “fulfills a commitment in Council’s Communications & Marketing Strategy 2019-2021 and aligns with Objective 5.1 Information and engagement to involve our community in decision making in the recently adopted Council Plan 2021-2025.”

Cr Kirby said the new online offering would compliment the hard copy product.

“The Gazette is council’s most popular communications publication, and the eGazette will provide our community with the same quality stories in between each printed edition,” she said.

“Communicating issues and opportunities across a wide variety of accessible and functional platforms is a key action in our Council Plan 2021-2025, and council remains committed to providing access to both print and digital communications channels for our residents.”

To sign up for the eGazette visit or email [email protected].