Get help finding volunteers

April 3, 2024 BY

Working together: A workshop to be held in Bannockburn is all about helping community groups attract volunteers. Photo: FILE

GOLDEN Plains Shire community members who would like to attract more volunteers to their groups or activities are invited to attend a coming workshop in Bannockburn.

The growing your volunteer network session will run from 6.30pm until 8.30pm on April 30.

Community members can attend in person at the Golden Plains Civic Centre or online.

The free workshop will be presented by Shire staff in conjunction with Not For Profit Training and look at the barriers which stop people from volunteering and how to remove them.

Tips on how to create a welcoming and friendly environment for potential volunteers will also be discussed.

Golden Plains mayor Brett Cunninham encouraged members of community groups to attend the event.

“We know that finding volunteers is tougher than ever before, and this workshop will give you practical tips on how to attract new volunteers to enhance your activities and support the vibrancy, impact and viability of your group,” he said.

To register for the event, head to the Golden Plains Shire website or phone the shire’s community partnership officer on 5220 7111.