Get involved in Good Friday fun

February 2, 2024 BY

Family day: The Inverleigh Good Friday Appeal raises tens of thousands of dollars every year for the Royal Children’s Hospital. Photo: FILE

ESTABLISHED in 1997, the Inverleigh Good Friday Appeal family day has become one of the region’s most important Easter traditions.

This year, it’s back on Friday 29 March from 10am to 5pm at Victoria Park, and committee president, Jay Cook, said they’ve got a goal to raise $40,000 to benefit patients in the Royal Children’s Hospital.

“It’s completely run by volunteers, and all the money goes to the Good Friday Appeal,” he said.

“We’re busy getting into planning for March, we’re looking for assistance and donations, and we want to promote that we welcome everyone to get involved.

“We’re always after volunteers, stallholders, and any community groups or sporting clubs that might be interested in having a stall or promoting themselves on the day.

“Any young aspiring artists that would like to busk and promote themselves are welcome as well.”

As usual, Mr Cook said the event will have a carnival and market feel that’s family-friendly, accessible to all people, and all budgets.

“It’s free to get in, we have free parking, and want to make sure it’s an affordable outing for everyone,” he said.

“People may come in, buy a coffee, and have a walk around, or they might spend the whole day there doing all the activities.”

Mr Cook said many long-time backers of the day are committed again, which the committee is grateful for.

“We’re always lucky with the support we get, and we’ve already got sponsors and groups from the past that are back on board, like the CWA, the Lions Club, and Wildlife Xposure,” he said.

Last year, in poor weather, the Inverleigh Good Friday Appeal family day raised $20,000.

Before the pandemic, the day’s final figure was generally over $35,000, and the committee hopes it will bounce back to that in 2024.

Contact [email protected] to express interest in getting involved or visit for more information and updates.