Get ready for an emergency

March 17, 2023 BY

Tech help: Apps that are handy in preparing for, or responding to, a natural disaster include VicEmergency, and the ABC Listen app for emergency broadcasts. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

AN interactive workshop in Smythesdale will aim to help Golden Plains Shire residents be prepared for any natural disaster event.

The free Get Techy, Get Ready session will be facilitated by CFA community-based bushfire management program coordinator Bridget Clarke, and show participants how to download, set up, and navigate emergency support apps on smart phones and tablets.

“It helps community better understand all the layers of emergency management,” she said. “It’s not just disaster day, but the preparation and planning stage, the response stage and the recovery stage.

“It’s not just the emergency app downloading, it’s being comfortable in that space, setting them up so they’re not annoying, and the information arrives tailored to their individual needs.

“You can personalise it depending on the needs of people.”

Apps that will be discussed include VicEmergency, Snap Send Solve, free water finder mymizu, Red Cross, and more.

“We’ll have some good, broad discussions about how you prepare for an emergency,” Ms Clarke said.

“We also put emphasis on people sourcing their information from more than one spot, and apps provide one spot, but to ground truth your information in at least one other space before you’re making any big decisions.”

The workshop is open to anyone but will be particularly useful for those living in areas at risk of bushfires or floods, people over the age of 65, and those of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

It will be held at The Well on Thursday, 23 March from 1pm to 3pm. Participants are asked to bring along their smart phone, tablet, or both.

Register via 5321 1500 or [email protected]. Afternoon tea will be provided.