Get some cheer from Scouts this year

Trim the tree: Rachel Flind and Elise McKinley are part of Saturday's tree selling team. Photo: SUPPLIED
FIRST Mount Clear Scouts could be part of your family’s Christmas story this December.
The group is leading their inaugural Christmas Tree Hall Fundraiser and chair Selena Prior said she hopes community members support them.
“We have realised that our hall desperately needs work if we are to continue to offer the program we think our young people are looking for,” she said.
“We are selling Christmas trees at the Mount Clear Scout Hall on the 10th of December from 9am to 3pm. You can buy online or in person, and delivery options are available.”
Ms Prior said their community group, and families involved, have been no stranger to the range of challenges presented by the pandemic, but have persevered, offering young people a range of unique opportunities like no other.
“As a completely volunteer-run group, we are reliant on our families, leaders and the support of the community to offer the broad program that we do,” she said.
“After two years of not being able to run normal events our Scouts and leaders have had a busy year, with Venturers kayaking for five days on the Glenelg River, Scouts camping, mountain biking, canoeing and abseiling, as well as attending major events in Anglesea, Elmore and Gembrook with hundreds of other young people.
“For all units from Joeys to Cubs, Scouts to Venturers, 2022 has been a full and busy year of adventure and building community.”
Contact [email protected] for more information. Mount Clear Scout Hall is based at 34 Recreation Road, Mount Clear.
If you or a young person in your life is interested in trying Scouts in 2023 contact [email protected].