Getting back to nature in Sebas

Life under the surface: Children at Bonshaw Kindergarten discovered some water bugs as part of the Connecting Communities to Sebastopol project. Photo: SUPPLIED
A PROGRAM for young people led by the Leigh Catchment Group is aiming to connect them to the natural environment in and around Sebastopol.
Officers have decided to focus on Sebastopol’s Yuille Wetlands and Yarrowee River, and Magpie’s Docwra Street Reserve, as part of the not-for-profit organisation’s fourth Connecting Communities initiative.
Environmental projects officer Bianca Fammartino said the aim is to boost biodiversity education for schools, kindergartens, tertiary students, and the broader community.
“We’re leading different activities around waterways and biodiversity,” she said.
“We hope to get children involved and teach them about the things that live in the water, how they’re eaten by other creatures, and that we need to keep our waterways clean.
“It’s all like a chain, and we’re educating them to protect, enhance, and respect the environment near where they live, and appreciate what’s around them.
“They’re going to be the ones looking after the planet.”
The program is reaching children and young people at Bonshaw Kindergarten, the Berry Street School, Magpie Primary School, Phoenix College, and Ballarat Scouts so far.
Project activities have included native indigenous plantings at Docwra Street Reserve, trips to the river, and digging out and analysing water bugs.
Ms Fammartino said Connecting Communities to Sebastopol is not only beneficial to young learners, but to the Leigh Catchment Group broadly, as it attracts potential members.
“We facilitate nine Landcare groups within the Ballarat region, so it’s an opportunity to get them some volunteers that might be able to help as well,” she said.
As part of the project, a public Brunch with the Birds is set to be held at Yuille Wetlands on Sunday 24 September, from 9.30am to 11.30am. Visit for tickets.
A night to hear and spot frogs is coming up too. Connecting Communities to Sebastopol has been funded by a City of Ballarat Community Impact Grant.