Governor to surprise with Coates Oration

Immortalised: A sculpture of Sir Albert Coates in the centre of the 400 block of Sturt Street. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
GOVERNOR of Victoria, Linda Dessau is set to give the Annual Sir Albert Coates Oration on Thursday, 28 November but until she presents, its topic will be a secret.
A Ballarat event since 2002, the oration is an initiative of The Albert Coates Memorial Trust and Federation University.
Known for being a master surgeon, Prisoner of War doctor, soldier, teacher and humanitarian, Coates was born in Ballarat in 1895, and Roger Trudgeon, Secretary of the Memorial Trust said he’s looking forward to Ms Dessau raising his profile further.
“The Governor is a noted public speaker with a passion for education and we are thrilled she has agreed to serve as Orator this year,” he said.
A Ballarat-based volunteer operated body established in 1998, the Memorial Trust funds scholarships for regional nurses and doctors studying at university.
A presentation of scholarship certificates to this year’s successful recipients will take place during the Oration’s proceedings.
“Since 2000, the Trust has supported well over 100 students to undertake courses in nursing and medicine, all aimed at improving the skills of regionally based nurses and training doctors to serve in regional areas of Victoria,” Mr Trudgeon said.
The Sir Albert Coates Oration is a free public event at Federation University’s Mount Helen Campus from 5.40pm on Thursday, 28 November.
Bookings are via 5327 9511 or by email at [email protected].
A dinner at 7.30pm will follow, costing $58 per person. Call Neil on 0438 422 455 or email [email protected] to book and visit for more information.