GovHub project contractors announced

October 18, 2018 BY

Civic Hall site is set for a new addition with the announcement of contractor on the GovHub Project. Photo: SUPPLIED

WORK on the GovHub site at the rear of Civic Hall is expected to get underway by Christmas with the state government announcing the contractors for the job.

Local firms Kane and Nicholson will share work on the $100 million project that will see the lower section of Civic Hall turned into a government service centre.

“The GovHub development means more jobs right in the heart of Ballarat,” said Western Victoria upper house MP and Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford.

“It will transform the Civic Hall site and drive economic growth in the city.”

Initial work at the site will see no impact on carparking while the demolition of the skatepark, Civic Hall’s Lower Hall and carpark will get underway in January 2019.

A spokesperson for the project said residents and traders would be kept up to date on the impact of the work.

Both Kane and Nicholson are local companies with the former employing 20 people and the latter 55.

The project aims to have a 91 per cent local content input, where possible, and should create about 500 jobs during the build phase.

Once completed the building with be home to 1000 public servants and contractors with 600 of those being relocated from Melbourne.

Lobby group Save Civic Hall is less upbeat about the announcement.

While not supportive of the overall redevelopment of the site, spokesperson Merle Hathaway said their main issue with the project was the loss of the Lower Hall.

“We very much fear with the demolition of that hall it will seriously affect the viability of the main hall,” she said.

“We’re pleased that we’ve managed to save the majority of Civic Hall from demolition but in actual fact the Lower Hall is the very heart that the community most needs.”