
Hosting a power hub’s a BREAZE

July 15, 2021 BY

Energetic: Members of BREAZE, the Old Colonists’ Association and representatives from local and State governments met at the OCA last week to celebrate the Power Hub news. Photo: SUPPLIED

BALLARAT Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions is set to host the Grampians region Community Power Hub initiative for twelve months after being nominated by Sustainability Victoria.

As part of the program community organisations’ solar, wind and battery power projects with potential will be identified by BREAZE

Then their volunteers will help those local groups, within the region’s 11 municipal areas, to make the energy changes a reality.

BREAZE president Mary Debrett said the group is honoured to take on the role of Power Hub.

“We’re managing such an important and timely program; one that will aid the development of community-owned renewable energy projects across the state,” she said.

“This regional CPH will build on the work of the BREAZE-hosted Ballarat CPH pilot, which ran from 2017 to 2020, and ultimately contributed approximately one-megawatt of community power.

“The Grampians CPH will help local communities to build cheaper energy infrastructure that is also more resilient when bushfires hit. This is a terrific opportunity to raise public awareness of the benefits of renewable energy and help to cut carbon emissions, assisting with Ballarat’s community-wide ‘net zero by 2030’ target.”

Ms Debrett is asking the region’s community organisations and not-for-profits to think about how they can embrace renewables in an “ambitious” way.

“There are now multiple business models for funding community power projects, from crowd-sourced funding to leasing arrangements and angel investors, to the tried-and-true methods of community fundraising,” she said.

Members of the BREAZE board met with the Old Colonists’ Association committee, Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison and City of Ballarat Cr Belinda Coates last Friday to celebrate the completion of the State Government’s Grampians Renewable Energy Program, and share the latest Power Hub news.

“Solar for retirees, social housing and sporting clubs are among the GRE models that BREAZE hopes to replicate across the many communities of the Grampians region in the new regional CPH, building on the success of the Ballarat Pilot CPH,” Ms Debrett said.

Environmental advocate and City of Ballarat Cr Belinda Coates commended the Hub which complements the municipality’s own ‘net zero by 2030’ goals.

“We really need everyone working together in the same direction, and we really need to aim high and go fast to get anywhere near achieving that, so these kinds of projects are a terrific win-win,” she said.

“Community groups will have lower bills, but at the same time, it’s good for the environment, bringing down our emissions as a city too.”

Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison said the project is an investment in the “renewable revolution” by Sustainability Victoria, a State Government agency.

“It’s also going to have great cost-savings for community organisations as well,” she said.