Grant applications open

August 5, 2024 BY
Golden Plains Community Grants

Up for grabs: Local groups are invited to apply for the next round of the Community Strengthening Grants Program.

THE latest round of the Golden Plains Shire’s Community Strengthening Grants program is open for applications.

The grants aim to help local groups complete programs, projects and events within the Shire which contribute to the Community Vision 2040 and the municipality’s priority actions.

Grants up to $10,000 are on offer in four categories: healthy active living, creative community, environment and sustainability, and community safety.

Grants will be awarded to organisations, sporting clubs and not-for-profit groups that show innovative ideas, and promote inclusivity and social connection.

Previous successful projects have included community events, community arts, environmental activities, cultural celebrations, and skill-building programs.

Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham encouraged local groups to apply.

“These grants have historically proven to be a brilliant source of financial support for many local events, programs and projects in Golden Plains,” he said.

“Council is committed to supporting the development of thriving communities to empower and build the capacity of our residents and groups to get involved and make significant contributions to Golden Plains.”

Community groups are encouraged to enquire to discuss their application with Golden Plains Shire community grants officers.

Groups must match the amount of funding sought with cash and/or in-kind contributions such as volunteer support.

Applications close Monday 2 September and more information can be found on the Golden Plains Shire website.