Grant for sexual assault centre
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Gabrielle Williams said the increase will boost CASA’s ability to help members of the community with crisis intervention, information, ongoing counselling and advocacy.
“For too long, victim survivors of abuse have not been heard, we are changing that by providing them with the extra support and help that they so strongly need and deserve,” Ms Williams said.
Gary, who uses the service said recovering from sexual assault was like living in a world of shadows and CASA asks you to put on a special pair of glasses that allows you see a little light.
“As you work with CASA the light gets bigger and brighter and at the end of the day you have a better life,” Gary said.
He hopes this funding will help those who haven’t come forward and are maybe sitting there contemplating asking for help.
“If they contact CASA they will find it is the best decision in their lives,” he said.
Recent figures released by the Crime Statistics Agency show that reports to police of sex offences against children have almost tripled between 2009 and 2018.
The funding upgrade will enable Ballarat CASA to provide counselling and support for an extra 400 survivors of sexual abuse over two years.
Shireen Gunn, Operations Director at Ballarat CASA said the extra assistance from the government will make a huge difference to Ballarat CASA.
“It will translate into three full time employees for the organisation which will increase our response to the needs of people seeking help,” Ms Gunn said.