Healing and connecting with country
CULTURAL burning has taken place at Teesdale’s Bakers Lane Reserve, led by Wadawurrung traditional owners of the land.
The critically endangered site of Wadawurrung significance has been used to educate the community about cultural burning’s role as a bushfire and resource management tool, under the Grassy Eucalypt Woodland Cultural Burning Project.
Wadawurrung traditional owner Michael Cook said the cycle of cultural burning is refreshing for both the land and its people.
“Cultural burning is about healing country, connecting with country and with family,” he said.
The Grassy Eucalypt Woodland Cultural Burning Project is an initiative of the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, Corangamite CMA, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Parks Victoria, Forest Fire Management Victoria, the Golden Plains Shire, and the CFA.
The Federal Government’s National Landcare Program is funding the work.
Corangamite CMA project officer Jess Lill said the project has opened opportunities for ongoing relationships, sharing of knowledge, and learning.
“Cultural burning is a really important management tool for Grassy Eucalypt Woodlands. The fire reduces the dead plant and weed material on the ground, and promotes regeneration of native species,” she said.
“We aim to embed cultural practices into our natural resource management practices.”
DELWP natural environment programs officer Ammie Jackson said the witnessing the Teesdale burn was a “privilege.”
“We are lucky that the Wadawurrung have retained the knowledge of their traditional practices and are working hard to revive and pass on those practices to their community,” she said.
“This has been an enlightening and educational experience for the government agencies involved.
“There is still much to learn about cultural burning, and we will continue to work with and support the Wadawurrung.”