
Collecting seeds, sowing knowledge

December 16, 2021 BY

Skilling up: Attendees included conservation managers, students and landholders from all over the Shire, and greater Geelong, and representatives of Hume Council. Photo: SUPPLIED

SIXTY people took part in a plant identification and seed collection workshop in the grassy eucalypt woodlands on the Victorian volcanic plains last week.

Organised by Geelong Landcare Network in partnership with Corangamite CMA, the workshop took place on the Bannockburn property of Peter Brew and Simone Koch, as part of the Grassy Eucalypt Woodlands Stewardship Program.

Geelong Landcare Network project officer Jo Solomon said groups of about 10 enjoyed robust discussions and learnt from the environmental knowledge of one another.

Expert guides including Otway Greening Nursery’s Mike Robinson-Koss, Greening Australia’s Candice Parker, Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative’s Trevor ‘Reg’ Abrahams, Friends of Bannockburn Bush and GLN member Stuart McCallum, and Golden Plains Shire’s Dale Smithyman led groups around the biodiverse site.

“We had complete beginners to native plant geeks, as they described themselves. They talked about identifying the plants, when and how to collect seeds, how to store them, and germinate them,” Ms Solomon said.

“The aims of this workshop were to teach skills people can use on their own land, generate knowledge and understanding of the grassy eucalypt woodlands, and of CCMA Stewardship Program.

“They’re vital skills because there’s only one per cent of the woodlands and the grasslands in Australia. They’re critically endangered.”

Ms Solomon said attendees left feeling “empowered” to apply their new skills on their own land, or to return and volunteer on any future projects.

This program is supported by Corangamite CMA through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, and will run until 2023.

If you are interested in joining a new Landcare group in the Bruces Creek and Bannockburn area contact GLN via geelonglandcarenetwork.org.au.