Grimley seeking worthy cause

September 3, 2021 BY

Cash out: In the past Upper House MP Stuart Grimley has donated parts of this pay rise to places like Geelong Mums. Photo: SUPPLIED

STATE Upper House member for Western Victoria Stuart Grimley is calling for direction from the public on which local organisations or community groups should be the latest beneficiary of his self-coined “Pollie Pay Rise”.

In September 2019 when Victoria’s Independent Remuneration Tribunal gave all Victorian MPs a 3.5 per cent increase in pay, Mr Grimley promised to give his extra $500 or so per month to the community.

Since then he’s donated to places like Geelong Mums and the Wimmera Against Family Violence Committee.

In July this year State MPs received another 2.5 per cent annual boost to their bank accounts and once again Mr Grimley is looking for places to donate his pay bump.

“Politicians in Victoria are paid quite well, and at a time when the community is struggling in the grips of a pandemic, we should not be accepting a pay rise,” Mr Grimley said.

“This is why I have decided to give mine back to the community.

“We are all affected by COVID-19, particularly our smaller communities who have been cut off from larger towns and cities. If my donation can make even the smallest difference, then it is worth it.

“I’m encouraging everyone who knows of a western Victorian organisation in need to please send me an email. Many people don’t like asking for assistance, so it is up to our community to make sure their voices are heard.”

Suggestions can be sent to [email protected].