Haddon community planning begins

July 28, 2024 BY
Haddon Planning

Looking ahead: Expressions of Interest are open for Haddon’s community planning program. Photo: FILE

RESIDENTS at Haddon are invited to get involved with the Golden Plains Shire community planning program.

Expressions of interest are open to those who would like to help determine priority projects for a new four-year community plan for the town.

The program aims to provide residents in Golden Plains Shire with an opportunity to identify things that need to be done and create visibility for funding opportunities.

“Community planning is a great program which helps builds resilient communities through community connection,” said Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Brett Cunningham.

“As a resident, this your opportunity to have a say about the future vision of your town and learn about how the program supports community and can also encourage locals to volunteer and get involved when the projects move to the implementation phase.”

Through surveys, interviews and public meetings, coordinators will engage with residents to understand their insights and preferences.

“The planning phase of council’s community planning program takes place in Haddon over the next four to six months and is led by the community who prepares engagement activities with support from mentors Non Profit Training,” said Cr Cunningham.

“Anyone who has an interest in the future of the Haddon community should come along and discover how the program works and get involved in this community-led initiative.

“A broad representation of community groups and residents helps create a wider reach in your town and encourages diverse responses during community consultation.”

Anyone interested in joining the program is invited to come along to sn information session at Haddon Community Learning Centre on Tuesday 30 July from 1pm to 2.30pm.