A celebration of learning in Haddon

October 29, 2022 BY

History alive: Keegan V, Hudson, Percy, Keegan D, Misha, and Bianca in their period costumes. Photos: EDWINA WILLIAMS

CHILDREN and staff at Haddon Primary School went back in time last week, marking one hundred and fifty years of Victorian public education with a family celebration day.

Many members of the school community dressed up as pupils or teachers from an historic era of their choice, displayed old photographs and information, tried ink writing, and played games of the 50s and 60s, all while acknowledging the progression of education.

“It’s a time to celebrate our learning and the great things our schools are doing not only in the past, but today, and moving forward, preparing our children for life outside of school,” Assistant principal Gaye Carrigan said.

“We’ve had parents back into the school, and lots of visitors, which is great to see after the lockdowns. Smiles have been put on people’s faces today.”

Jackson, Isla, Chloe and Charli had fun playing with an old-style classroom display.

Haddon Primary dates back 152 years and was one of the original schools built in the area.

“Students have made a timeline of Haddon history, from Traditional Owners, through to modern day,” Ms Carrigan said.

“History is part of the Victorian curriculum, so it acknowledges that children need to know about their past.

“It’s important the children understand the achievements and accomplishments of the past, and things that have happened to shape their society and community to be what it is today.”

Pupil Misha chose to dress up as a girl from the 1850s, and said she liked giving ink calligraphy a go.

“I enjoyed that it was a different style to the normal way we write,” she said.

Haddon Primary has 265 students in 2022, and had between 35 and 50 when it first operated in the late-19th century.