Have a roll at barefoot bowls

Attack the jack: If Bannockburn Bowls Club’s barefoot bowls evenings continue to be popular into summer, they will run until Christmas time. Photo: FILE
HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars have been spent on Bannockburn Bowls Club’s facilities and now the group’s members want to share them with the community.
Greens keeper and committee member Hugh Mitchell said people are invited to turn up to the club’s barefoot bowls evenings each Friday from 5.30pm throughout spring, and into early summer.
“Everyone is welcome, and age is no barrier,” he said. “We have about eight or 10 members on hand to give people lessons and share the basic techniques of bowling.
“It’s all about exercising, people meeting one another, or networking, particularly if businesspeople come along.
“We have the best synthetic green in Geelong region, with lighting, and want to promote the bowling club within the Bannockburn area.
“We’ve got 33 sets of new bowls, which are the best on the market, so everybody playing is on a level playing field. We’ve even got the smallest size to encourage school kids to give the sport a go.”
If Friday casual bowlers would like to progress with the sport, Mr Mitchell said the club can offer the services of coaches and support to become a member.
“If we get enough enthusiasm, then we will do some makeshift teams so they know what a little bit of competition is like,” he said.
The club’s Jack Attack corporate bowling program will begin in February and run for six weeks, inviting up to 30 teams of non-bowlers to have a social roll, and represent their business.