Health service proposes pharmacy

Expansion: Hesse Rural Health has submitted a planning application to develop a pharmacy out of the Rokewood Community Health Centre. Photo: SUPPLIED
STAFF at Hesse Rural Health are looking to expand their services at Rokewood.
A planning application has been made to develop a new pharmacy at the Rokewood Community Health Centre following community engagement held during the service’s board of directors tea talk last year.
A follow-up community meeting specifically on the pharmacy was held on Tuesday last week which saw about a dozen attendees.
Hesse Rural Health chief executive officer Carissa Brock said it was important to have the community involved with the developments that impact them.
“We were delighted to hear from our Rokewood community members at our recent community meetings. Having feedback from our consumers is of paramount importance to Hesse Rural Health for reasons such as, patient-centered care and identification of gaps in healthcare services.”
The pharmacy’s development would see part of the Rokewood Community Centre leased to bring in a pharmacist to the area, with the aim of initially operating two to three days a week.
The pharmacy is proposed to be developed at the front part of the site which is currently used as a reception and waiting room.
Ms Brock said a dedicated pharmacy will be a great addition to Rokewood’s health services.
“We are pleased to report that we have submitted a planning application to support the co-location of a pharmacy at Hesse’s Rokewood’s Community Health Centre, while continuing to maintain the important existing community services delivered from the centre,” she said.
Hesse Rural Health’s next board of directors tea talk is slated for this Tuesday from 4pm at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre where attendees can ask further questions about the proposed pharmacy and other Hesse developments.
To RSVP, phone 5267 1200.