Help is just over the fence

Caring: People are encouraged to fill out the card with their name, address, phone number and outline what they can help with. Photo: BAYLEY COCKING
WHEN was the last time you checked in with your neighbours? Do you know if they’re struggling while house-bound?
To inspire people to help out next-door, last month the Buninyong & District Community Association coordinated the We’re Here to Help project.
The initiative has residents drop a card into their neighbour’s letter boxes asking if they need a hand during these uncertain times.
BDCA president Gayle Adams said Buninyong is a “caring community” and hoped that people might deliver further cards in surrounding areas.
“Buninyong residents might pick up several additional cards and drop them into homes elsewhere in the wider district or in Ballarat where there might be someone who would appreciate an offer of help,” she said.
While developed by the BDCA, the project was made possible with further efforts from the Buninyong Community Bank and Buninyong Mount Helen Lions Club.
Between 2000 and 3000 cards were printed using funding from the community bank, costing approximately $2000 in total.
Chairman Ian Corcoran said the bank aims to support local groups and projects.
“Our purpose is to build community and it’s really important to us that we help to support the community by funding things like the We’re Here to Help initiative,” he said.
Across Mount Helen and Buninyong, the community-wide scheme managed to distribute cards to over 1500 homes.
Lions Club member David Page has his phone number printed on the cards in case anybody requires further assistance.
He said he has received a lot of calls from locals who are looking to help others in their community.
“We’ve had a fair amount of people explain to us that their neighbours are okay, but they still want to offer support to anybody else who might need it,” said Mr Page.
“The Lions Club is also here to help out if your neighbour needs support but you can’t offer it yourself… don’t hesitate to give us a call.”
Cards are available to be picked up from the Buninyong Community Bank, post office, newsagency and Foodworks supermarket.