High-tech inspired high art exhibition

September 19, 2018 BY

BALLARAT’S Backspace Gallery was the venue for an unusual art exhibition.

Neo-gineering brings together works from seven Ballarat artists combining engineering, technology, science, mathematics and art.

Artist Zlatko Balazic, who has an engineering background, and his sisterin- law, Margie Balazic, also an artist, curates the exhibition.

“The inspiration for the Neo-gineering came about as a result of applying some engineering concepts to some interactive artwork that was featured in Ballarat Lumieries in 2016,” Balazic said.

“The piece featured a musical eagle that interacted with the visitors in a visual and audible way. Going on from this installation Zlatko and I created a group of interactive musical mushrooms for Geelong After Dark 2017, which was a massive hit with both young and old.”

One of the aims of the exhibition was to provide awareness to current and potential artists that there are significant engineering and technological elements in most forms of art on display today and there is art in what engineers create.

The materials that have been engineered include laminated timber, papers, inks, fluorescent paints, resins and synthetic fabrics.

Artists could use these materials to create works that could be admired, worn, used and provide some kind of interactive and emotional experience.

“Exceptional Ballarat artists were selected that could bring to life these various aspects of Art in Engineering and Engineering in Art,” Balazic said.

“The other aspect was to extend artistic boundaries and to challenge the artists to step out of their normal comfortable design abilities, create amazing art designs and to learn new skills which will no doubt develop into the future.”

The artists selected for the exhibition were Dale Braybrook, Ian Kemp, Kat Pengelly, Ellen Sorensen and Casey Tosh.

The group of artists connected, interacted, shared creativity and unique talents, which when combined, created such a different and amazing gallery experience that can now be seen by all.