In-home help back for seniors

April 23, 2020 BY

Fresh living: Council’s home care program includes kitchen cleaning. Photo: FILE

FORTNIGHTLY home care is in action again for residents over sixty-five needing some extra help.

Coordinated by the City of Ballarat’s Active Ageing Department, the service includes supermarket and pharmacy shopping, cleaning kitchens and bathrooms, mopping and vacuuming.

Acting community development director, Jenny Fink said it’s more than just a practical program with jobs to tick off.

“I think it’s really important for our older residents that they not only receive their home care, but also the vital social interaction they get from our home care providers,” she said.

“I would like to stress residents may not get the same workers they have had before, due to the COVID-19 restrictions.”

Currently, 2386 people are registered for home care and they will be contacted to ensure they would like the service to continue. Each visit or session will be lengthier so the service provider can make sure each resident is well.

Those who decide not to continue with home care will receive a check-up phone call every two weeks instead.

Home maintenance and modification services are also restarting this week for outside jobs like gutter, spout, ramp and grab rail repairs.

“We are also currently reviewing how we can best carry out interior home modification and home maintenance services under these restrictions as well,” Ms Fink said.

To access the home care service, call My Aged Care on 1300 200 422.