Input sought on activity at rec reserve

Have your say: Woady Yaloak Recreation Facility Committee's Jaymee Ellis is asking everyone whether they'd like to see cooking, nutritional, or fitness programs delivered for the region. Photo: FILE
MEMBERS of the Woady Yaloak Recreation Facility Committee seek resident feedback on a program to connect families and young people to lead healthier lives.
People can give their thoughts on a potential offering at the rec reserve via a survey open to interested parents or to young people aged between 13 and 25.
Questions are centred around participants’ age, location, whether they’d like to see cooking and nutritional classes or workshops focusing on fitness, as well as availability and what might prevent them from attending.
“We are looking to get feedback from the community to see what, if anything, is wanted and needed in the community before applying for funding,” said committee member Jaymee Ellis, who spearheaded the survey.
“We are taking a community development approach and trying to gauge the need to see if it would be helpful for our community, and be able to provide evidence of that need before developing a full plan.
“It’s kind of building on the work I do with the [Genki Fit] fitness classes and taking a community driven and holistic approach to health and nutrition.”
Woady Yaloak Recreation Facility Committee president Adam Liversage said while the facilities have been improved over the past half-decade, more may be needed depending on what program is developed.
“It’s a relatively old facility with a reasonably-sized kitchen but like everything else, it is aging and would need a relatively decent upgrade to be able to do things like community cooking,” he said.
“It’d be about making the facility more fit-for-purpose to be able to provide those programs.
“Over the last three to four years, especially with the development of the Woady Yaloak Football Netball Club where we now have around 200, 250 participating in community sport, it’s meant better facilities.
“When you look at what the facilities can offer, and you look at those numbers, that number’s really important.”
The venue is currently utilised by the Woady Yaloak FNC, sporting and fitness groups, Smythesdale Country Market, and the local primary school.
The 12-question survey can be found at
Ms Ellis expects the survey will remain open until the end of August.