Wander through Inverleigh’s wildflowers

September 16, 2022 BY

Egg and bacon: Native pea flowers grow in the Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve. Photo: FILE

TAKE a walk amongst the native wildflowers of Inverleigh as they bloom this spring.

Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve are hosting their free wildflower walks this month, and next, which are open to all members of the public.

The group’s president Keith Windle said the reserve is home to diverse species of rare and endangered native plants, including 50 types of orchids.

“There are many rare species in various positions of the reserve. It is very rich in native wildflowers, they’re just not obvious or easy to find without a guide,” he said.

Attendees can expect to see lilies, blue squills, milkmaids, pea flowers including the ‘egg and bacon’ type, golden moth, rabbit-ear, wasp, and green hood orchids, and more.

Although they haven’t run in the last two years, the walks are usually annual events aiming to spread the enjoyment of seeing wildflowers in their natural environment, and help people, especially those who are new to the area, to learn about the 1000-hectare reserve.

“The nature reserve, at first sight, doesn’t look like anything special when you initially drive through it, but when you are able to be shown where the flowers are, and the right times to see them, wonders are discovered,” Mr Windle said.

The wildflower walks will be held at the Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve on Sunday, 25 September and Sunday, 9 October from 1.30pm until 3.30pm.

Meet at the Common Road entrance to the park, not far from the Inverleigh Golf Club entrance, where there is parking.