Iso snapshots on show in Melbourne’s CBD

Together apart: Thousands of people across Australia have shared their photos of life in the COVID-19 era, and many are now on-screen in the city of Melbourne. Photo: SUPPLIED
PHOTOGRAPHIC contributions made to the Ballarat International Foto Biennale’s #massisolationAUS Instagram project are being screened in Melbourne’s Federation Square until further notice.
BIFB artistic director, Fiona Sweet approached Fed Square, envisioning an impressive display of the hashtag’s almost 70000 images, depicting Australian experiences of self-isolation in the COVID era, particularly Ballarat perspectives.
“They knew the project, and normally they charge to use the outdoor screen, but they said, ‘we want to give it to you for free,’ which is fantastic,” she said
“They’ve taken our Instagram feed and put it straight onto the screen, so it’s got all little squares everywhere.
“Dandenong has got a digital art screen outdoors, and they’re putting it up. They’ve introduced me to someone who does the same in Sydney and Brisbane, and they’re putting them up, all happening in the next two weeks.”
These upcoming outdoor displays will show the images one at a time in a slideshow format.
“We’d love for someone to tell us if they’ve got a screen in Ballarat or even Geelong, so we can put them up there as well,” Ms Sweet said.
She had no idea the creative initiative would have such a wide impact, while the pandemic “took everyone by surprise.”
“It’s really resonating with people who want to share their stories and experiences, and very much collaborate. This visual archive is about sharing and has been extraordinary for so many people.”
BIFB plans to facilitate another online project for the next Biennale in 2021.