Future-proof your farmland
GEELONG Landcare Network is inviting members of the Shire’s farming community to attend a free presentation titled Future Proofing Your Land at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre.
The session on Tuesday, 22 June at 7pm, which can also be viewed live online, is part of a series of Farming for Our Future forums promoting sustainable and ecological agricultural practices for a changing climate, which land managers can introduce to their properties for future prosperity.
The keynote speaker for the first event is founder and CEO of food-growing organisation Learning From Nature, Dr Wendy Seabrook.
“I am passionate about learning from and working with nature. It’s crazy to ignore millions of years of innovation, especially as nature has carried out the research and development in every climate and soil type on the planet,” she said.
“We need all the help we can get to solve the climate and ecological emergency.”
Dr Seabrook is the author of The Eco-Logical Farming Handbook and The Eco-Logical Gardening Handbook, and has 20 years of experience working with farmers.
She will help the agricultural community devise plans to review their site operations and shift their “ecological bottom line,” whether they’re in primary production or hobby farming.
Those who are broadly interested in gaining a grasp of how to use nature to forge a more sustainable future are also welcome to attend.
Supper will be provided, offering an opportunity to chat to other likeminded locals in agriculture. All attendees will be put into the draw to win one of Dr Seabrook’s books.
For more information, contact Geelong Landcare Network facilitator Tim Trottier on 0438 525 502, or email [email protected].
A not-for-profit organisation, Geelong Landcare Network includes environmental groups within the Golden Plains Shire, Surf Coast Shire and City of Greater Geelong.