
Grants open to enviro groups

May 14, 2021 BY

Time for action: Successful Landcare Grants applicants will have just over 12 months to complete initiatives they seek support to fund. Photo: FILE

VOLUNTEER Landcare groups working to protect, restore and improve the region’s natural environment can apply for a new round of State Government funding.

The Victorian Landcare Grants process is open and will provide packages of up to $30,000 to assist volunteer Landcare and Coastcare groups, Friends and conservation management networks, committees of management, and First Nations organisations working on country.

Those maintaining and bettering the health of local green spaces, native plants, soil, waterways and wetlands, and delivering education programs will be eligible.

Smaller support bundles worth $500 will also be allocated to those needing help with Landcare costs in the areas of operations, insurance, incorporation, events, or communications.

Locally, these will be distributed by Corangamite Catchment Management Authority. Corangamite CMA regional Landcare coordinator Elisia Dowling encourages all Landcare groups to go for a grant.

“These volunteers are working hard all year round to ensure everyone can enjoy a healthy environment,” she said.

“This funding boost will make a world of difference for the on-ground outcomes that can be achieved,” she said.

The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio launched the latest Victorian Landcare Grants program which will see $2.55 million shared amongst community environmental groups across the state.

Visit bit.ly/2RtemgB to apply before 5pm on Wednesday, 16 June, or to source further information.

Successful applications will be contacted in August, and funded initiatives are expected to be completed by the end of November next year.