Learn and explore these holidays

Happy snapping: An introduction to smart phone photography is one of the planned sessions. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
THERE’S lots on offer to keep young people aged twelve to twenty-five busy across the Shire this January.
The Golden Plains Shire’s school holiday program is set to begin next Tuesday, 10 January, with 13 outings, events, workshops, and activities sessions planned until Wednesday, 25 January.
Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said everything programmed is free for young people to enjoy.
“Council’s school holiday activities are an excellent opportunity for Golden Plains youth to learn new skills and connect with other likeminded young people from within the Shire,” he said.
“These free activities combine fun options with practical training to equip young people with professional skills for the future.”
At Bannockburn’s Golden Plains Youth Hub, the sessions include an introduction to smart phone photography, workshops on the basics of how to use a digital single-lens reflex camera, portrait basics for smart phone and DSLR, and an introduction to robotics.
At the Inverleigh Public Hall, the Shire’s youth team is set to deliver cupcake decorating and flower arranging activities, an afternoon tea, and more smart phone photography education, this time focused on food.
A cookie making course is coming to the Teesdale Community Hall, before the introduction to robotics reaches Haddon Community Learning Centre in the north.
A picnic and hike day is set for Thursday, 12 January, while an excursion to Jan Juc will take place on Thursday, 19 January. The program finishes with 3×3 social basketball at YMCA Bannockburn.
Visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/events for more information on session dates, times, and to register.