Learn lifesaving first aid

Here to help: The Golden Plains Youth first aid training session is aimed at preparing young people to act in any medical emergency. Photo: FILE
A COURSE led by accredited genU trainers is coming to Golden Plains Youth Hub to prepare young people to act in a medical emergency and save a life.
The first aid course is set for this Saturday 4 November from 9.30am to 4pm, and will focus on how to assess a casualty, find and reduce hazards, identify injuries, and care for the patient as a first responder.
Trainers will also cover how to use different types of first aid equipment, how to request the right paramedic help, and how to communicate the patient’s situation.
“Council’s upcoming first aid training is part of our free work readiness training for young people aged 14 to 25 in the Shire,” said acting director community, planning and growth, Leanne Wilson.
“The free work readiness program is funded by the State Government’s Engage! initiative, and the program ensures young people are positively engaged in education and have the knowledge and skills to progress to further education and employment.
“We’re excited to offer this training and support our local young people in building their first aid skills and instil confidence in their ability to react quickly to an emergency health, illness or injury situation.”
The event will be catered, and registrations and enrolments can be made at bit.ly/46JJiLn. Participants under the age of 18 need to provide proof of permission from a parent or guardian.
“We kicked off the GPS Youth Work Readiness Program last week with food safety training,” Ms Wilson said.
“Our final training for the year will be barista training on 18 November.”