Limiting waste and feeding families

Central pick-up: Ballarat’s latest staple supermarket is in the heart of the CBD. Photo: CHIPPY RIVERA
WAREHOUSEY, an initiative of The Forge Pizzeria, is connecting the public with food produced for the hospitality sector, which otherwise wouldn’t find a home.
The Forge director, Tim Matthews said the new contactless, click and collect supermarket at Housey Housey has launched because food producers have good quality, unused stock to move.
“We wanted to become a link between the normal restaurant supply food chain and consumers,” he said.
Products on offer are changing each day, as seen on the website, but bulk packets of staples like pasta, flour and rice, and big cuts of meat, from scotch fillets to legs of lamb, are on sale.
Everyday brands like San Remo and Allied Mills are accessible, alongside food from The Forge and other locals like 1816 Bakery and Salt Kitchen Charcuterie.
“It’s making stuff that restaurants would utilise and portion up available to customers. It’s great for a family that can split things up and share it around.
“A lot of people are buying packs for other members of the family. They can’t see them, but they can send them a big piece of steak,” Mr Matthews laughed.
“We just don’t want it to go to waste.”
Shoppers can expect to collect their packaged groceries at Armstrong Street a day or two after placing an online order.
“In some cases, we may have to get additional stock, depending on demand, but that demand is generally in the supply chain.
“We’re also offering a delivery service which keeps someone in a job. Some of our staff, who had their work reduced because of no restaurant hours, have been offered additional hours in the new arm of the business as well,” Mr Matthews said.