Lions on the prowl for new members

Recruiting: Amy Cross, David Dimsey and Derek Scott are the three new members of Lions Club of Bannockburn and District, having joined in April. Photo: SUPPLIED
WITH numbers at an all-time low, members and affiliates of the one of the Shire’s Lions Clubs are calling out for people to join.
The Bannockburn club has dwindled down from 12 members to just one person about two years ago, and Lara Lions vice-president Tom Gilfillan has stepped in to help steer the rebuild.
Though three new members have signed up since his involvement, Mr Gilfillan said it’s important the local Lions refill their ranks.
“We’re really putting the call to arms out to get people who are maybe interested in community service to have a look at us,” he said.
“About 12 people would be good to get back up to for a town of Banno’s size. It’s a great little town and it deserves its Lions Club.”
The reforming group have been maintaining community outreach with their regular appearances at the Golden Plains Farmer’s Market, with plans for a free barbecue in the coming weeks.
Mr Gilfillan said between their involvement with eye health initiatives and the International Peace Poster program with Bannockburn’s primary schools, the branch’s members are keeping their presence felt.
Having been a Lions member for eight years, Mr Gilfillan said it’s a rewarding way to serve the community.
“I joined Lions because I want to help people so it’s about finding those opportunities to help out whether it’s personal to someone in need or even environmental projects,” he said.
“As far as goals, we’ve got the Lions Park in Bannockburn which needs a little spruce up once we’re back up, things like repainting the benches and that sort of thing.
“We’d probably try to relaunch the Australia Day barbecue as well. The list of things to do is endless.”
To express interest in joining the Lions Club of Bannockburn and District, email [email protected] or call Mr Gilfillan on 0418 519 904.