Literature, conversation and friendship over a cup of coffee

Caffeine powered chats: The Gold Diggers Book Club have always met in a local Linton café since they started in early 2019. Photo: FILE
PLANNING to meet on the second Tuesday morning each month, the Linton Gold Diggers Book Club hopes soon-to-open café, the Linton Larder, will become its home in August.
Member and coordinator, Lesley Berriman said the literary and social group originally launched 18 months ago in the Linton Café with six participants, and has been strong ever since.
“It’s a great little friendly club. We have a coffee, something to eat, a chat and discussion about the books for a couple of hours,” she said.
“At the moment, everyone chooses a book of their own, everyone reads it and they can discuss it.
“But I’m thinking of introducing something where one person a month does a bit of background research on the author and presents that with their book summary.”
All passionate reading lovers, the current members engage with texts of diverse genres in different ways, whether in audiobook form, or physically, from the library or their own collection.
“We’ve just done Bryce Courtenay’s Four Fires, which is a huge story and great on audio.
“I’m into thrillers and mysteries where they keep you guessing to the end, and others are into historical stories where murder and romance are thrown in,” Ms Berriman said.
Sandwiching book chat between social conversations, the club likes to make sure they check-in with one another during each meeting.
“We see how we’re all going and have a laugh about different things that have happened during the month. It’s very sociable, it’s not snobby, and everyone’s welcome to the group.
“We’re very open and fun. We’ve got our characters,” she said.
Contact Lesley Berriman to keep up-to-date with the group on 0429 494 677.