Residents revved about motorbikes

October 22, 2021 BY

Ride on: Most speakers addressed the local laws surrounding the use of motorbikes on rural properties. Photo: FILE

A SPECIAL Golden Plains Shire council meeting held last week was aimed at giving residents a platform to share their feedback on the current draft local law.

While about a year ago over 700 people expressed their desire to take part in the meeting, only eleven registered speak at the online on Tuesday, 12 October, and 10 ended up taking part.

Inverleigh resident Mark Tarbett addressed the motorbike laws. He said he felt for motor-bikers who don’t have a lot of areas to ride in, but didn’t want people using them in his neighbourhood, and expects as the town’s population grows, it could become a bigger issue.

“I’m not… comfortable with one hour of being able to ride a motorbike in low density residential and township zones without a permit,” he said.

“I think maybe council could consider that with the change with the low-density residential zones in size… not many people are really happy to have motorbikes zipping round in their neighbourhood or next door to them, particularly. I know we’re not.

“I’ve got no objections to people riding motorbikes, but direct neighbours should have an opportunity to agree to that in such small areas. There should be more consideration given to those zonings, particularly without a permit.”

Resident of the Meredith-Stiglitz area Diane Dunn suggested if council supports the use of motorbikes, they should create a dedicated recreation facility.

“Golden Plains Shire… uses natural assets as an advertising tool to encourage new families and tourist to the region. These aspirations are inconsistent then with permitting two [motorbikes] to ride for two hours per day,” she said.

“The use of MRVs immediately affects the amenity of adjoining landholders. Repeated use degrades the land… and is incompatible with enabling wildlife to enjoy a peaceful existence.

“Noise emanating from MRV use travels far beyond the user’s property.”

Elizabeth Gillespie said the noise pollution of motorbikes is “offensive” to those in neighbouring properties, especially if residents are autistic.

Sue Debets said people move to rural properties for a specific lifestyle, often including recreational motor vehicles, and noisy day-to-day maintenance rituals, ride-on mower and chainsaw use.

“I’m not understanding why there is this overburdensome, irrational focus on motorbikes,” she said.

Ms Debets suggested decibel ratings be written into local law.

James Manche said the language surrounding the motorbike laws was “too open” and would mean residents may “want to take advantage.”