Lower regional PT fairs launching

Savings: Users of regional public transport will see their fares capped at the same price as metro Melbourne starting next Friday, 31 March. Photo: FILE
A REGIONAL fare cap for public transport is beginning next Friday with Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Public Transport, Ben Carroll, visiting Southern Cross Station earlier this week to announce the change.
It will cap mean the cost of a daily ticket on Victorian reginal public transport to the same price as a metro fare.
The maximum price for a trip will be $9.80 for a full fare or $4.60 for concession.
This rate will be reduced on public holidays to $6.70 for full fare and $3.35 for concession.
A current return fare from Southern Cross to Ballarat can cost up to $45, meaning travellers will see significant savings.
“We’re proud to be making regional fares fair, making public transport accessible to passengers who live in every corner of our state and opening up regional Victoria to more visitors,” said Mr Andrews.
The cap will extend to communities within 60 kilometres of the border to allow those living in these areas to benefit also.
Member for Eureka, Michaela Settle, welcomed the announcement.
“This package is a fantastic deal for regional Victorians and from next week our community will be able to pay the same price as Melbourne passengers to get where they need to go,” she said.
The cap comes into effect on Friday, 31 March.