Market backs youth activities, Scout’s honour!

For the kids: 7th Sebastopol Scout leaders Kirsti Gangi, Bethany Knight, and Renee Cattanach with youth members Hamish, Solomon, and Evie, are preparing the group’s first community market. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS
A NEW market run by volunteers and youth members of one of the region’s Scout groups is set to be held over the weekend.
The event will see dozens of local businesses and individuals occupying stalls at the 7th Sebastopol Scouts’ Copernicus Hall base this coming Sunday.
Group leader Bethany Knight said key aims of the market are to raise the profile of the 7th Sebastopol Scouts as well as raise funds to deliver their regular offerings.
“Because we’re volunteer-run, trying to get our kids onboard for camps and activities is really difficult,” she said.
“Rather than putting more pressure on our families to pay more each time, we’re hoping this will bring some passive income as well as give everyone a chance to get out here and shop.
“It’s getting us out there as well and having a lot more people know that we exist.
“We also have a lot of families that are into arts and crafts and run their own businesses so it’s providing an opportunity to support them too.”
Items such as crafts, plants, jewellery, art, and Christmas wares will feature in the market with food trucks set up also.
The Scouts themselves will host a second-hand book stall, with half the proceeds going towards the groups, as well as help other stallholders with loading in and out of the space.
Other members will run the event’s sausage sizzle and raffle.
Ms Knight said she hopes the market will become a popular fixture for the 7th Sebastopol Scouts.
“We’re looking at trying to hold them every quarter and if it’s really successful we’ll move them to monthly,” she said.
“We have a sister Scout group that runs them monthly and they’ve had great success. That was a direct influence.
“Our primary fundraisers right now are Bunnings barbecues where we generally make about $1000. We’d be happy to gain between that and $2000 for this.”
With all 19 spots filled inside the hall, the space will allow for an additional 23 stalls outside.
The Ballarat Sebastopol Scouts Market will run from 10am to 3pm at 26 Orion Street and entry is via a gold coin donation.