Meeting schedule undecided – Golden Plains Shire meeting briefs

December 26, 2024 BY
Golden Plains Shire meeting schedule undecided

Historical significance: A motion by Cr Helena Kirby to hold council meetings in Linton next year was lost. Photo: FILE

AT the last ordinary Golden Plains Shire council meeting of the year, councillors did not decide next year’s meeting schedule.

A recommendation from officers was put forward where meetings would be held on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 6pm, alternating locations between Bannockburn and Smythesdale.

However, Cr Helena Kirby presented an alternative motion where two of the Smythesdale meetings would be instead held in Linton.

This motion lost and the agenda item lapsed, meaning councillors could not vote on the original proposed schedule.

An unscheduled meeting will be held to decide on next year’s meeting schedule.

“As a motion it has now been voted on and as there was no foreshadowing of any further motion, the motion was put as being defeated and the item now lapses,” said CEO Shane Walden.

“Unfortunately, our governance rules are quote clear on how we can progress on this and we are slightly bound to proceed with the way we’ve already identified.”

In advocating for meetings in Linton, Cr Kirby said it was important to recognise the historical significance of the building.

“I would just like for us as a council to recognise Linton as a great municipal building in the Shire,” she said.

“It is of historical significance and dates back to 1961.”

Cr Brett Cunningham was the only other councillor to support the motion and Cr Owen Sharkey said it would be difficult to continue holding meetings in Linton with the poor internet connection.

“I’m sitting her now able to attend this meeting whilst overseas and I would not be able to attend the meeting if it was held in Linton today,” he said.

“There is no internet connection that would suffice for Linton to be able to allow councillors to come in.”

Inline hockey player recognised

Piper Flett, who is 11 years old, was given a Citizen Recognition Award after being selected to represent Victoria at the National Inline Hockey Championships.

Piper lives in Teesdale and has been plating inline hocket for years, attending training and try outs for the Victorian team on the otherwise of Melbourne and in Moe.

This was Piper’s first experience competing at a national level.

Financial report noted

Councillors noted the quarter one financial report which had an operating surplus of $27.5 million.

The forecast surplus was $27.7 million meaning there was a $161,000 unfavourable variance.

The variance was due to the timing of grant income, and public open space contributions and user fees being lower than usual.

Materials and services costs and employee costs had a positive variance.