Men’s Shed first aid session could save a life

April 15, 2024 BY

Keeping hearts beating: Public AED machines can be easily used by any person in an event of cardiac arrest. Photo: FILE

COMMUNITY members in the Golden Plains Shire’s north are invited to brush up their first aid skills next week.

Members of the Linton and District Men’s Shed are hosting an ambulance first aid and automated external defibrillator training session this coming Wednesday 17 April from 12pm.

Linton Men’s Shed president Chris Prestwich said the aim of the event is to involve more members of the community in the organisation.

“It’s for the men of the shed and to get the community involved,” he said. “Possibly, we might get a member of two out of it as well.

“It’s a community event to get people to the shed to see that we’re there, what we do, what we’re about, and to have this first aid and the AED part gets new interest in.”

AED machines can be used by any person, without training, in the minutes after any cardiac arrest emergency occurs.

Mr Prestwich said Linton locals understand the value of having an easily accessible defibrillator in the centre of town and having basic knowledge of how they work.

In December of 2020, resident Janet Verdoorn went into cardiac arrest at home and the Linton Police Station’s AED was used to revive her.

Data from Ambulance Victoria reports defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation can boost a cardiac arrest patient’s survival rate up to 70 per cent.

Lunch will be provided. Register to attend by Monday 15 April by contacting [email protected] or calling 0447 545 533.

Linton Men’s Shed is based behind the Linton CFA with the address of

8 O’Beirne Lane, Linton.