Minister set to intervene in City staff scandal

May 15, 2020 BY

State local government minister Adem Somyurek. Photo: FILE

A SPOKESPERSON for the State government has said that the Minister for Local Government, Adem Somyurek, will “seek an explanation” from the City of Ballarat council on how it will address the findings of yesterday’s Ombudsman’s report.

The move comes after yesterday’s report was heavily critical of actions by CEO Justine Linley and the director of infrastructure and environment Terry Demeo. Both are now currently on leave.

“The Minister will write to the council and seek an explanation of how the council will take action on the report,” the spokesperson said.

“We thank the Ombudsman for their report and are pleased Ballarat city council to has accepted its recommendation.”

It’s believed that council will hold a special meeting at some point address issues arising from the report with councillors meting informally via video conference at 12pm yesterday to chart away forward.

However, to hold a formal meeting of council a reasonable period of public notice is required. As of 9am today no notice has yet been given.

As CEO Ms Linley is the only person employed by council, and the only person councillors can take action against.

At any formal council meting councillors would have the opportunity to interrogate Ms Linley about allegations contained within the Ombudsman’s report, most notably claims that she improperly hired friends and former colleagues.

Multiple sources within council have revealed that currently a majority of councillors are seeking Ms Linley’s dismissal but that could come with a six-month termination package.

It is not clear if the meeting will be held in council chambers at town hall or via video link.