Mobile phone upgrade coming to Shire

Phone home: Grenville and Elaine are set to receive new mobile phone towers under a State Government plan. Photo: FILE
PARTS of Golden Plains Shire will welcome a new mobile base station to improve network coverage under a State Government initiative.
Known as the Digital Future Now strategy, the rollout will 41 new mobile sites constructed across Victoria, with Elaine and Grenville housing one of the new base stations.
Towns including Maude, Cape Clear, Dereel, Teesdale and Steiglitz have already had mobile stations constructed as part of the program’s initial rollout.
Member for Buninyong Michaela Settle said it is “so important” to have a dependable internet connection.
“We all deserve to have reliable mobile coverage – and the Andrews Government is investing to help connect regional and rural communities including Grenville and Elaine,” she said.
“These investments open the door for more of the state’s workers to live in regional Victoria, because they’ll be able to connect with people from around the world.”
Since the strategy began a total of 243 mobile base stations have been secured throughout Victoria, offering upgraded network coverage across 7000 square kilometres.
Ms Settle said upgrading mobile coverage across the state will also improve safety.
“While we have a mobile network in Victoria that covers 99 per cent of our population, we still have gaps in many places so when you’re out and about phone calls drop out, reception can be weak, and you may not have access to data services,” she said.
“Getting rid of black spots also makes communities much safer when natural disasters like bushfires and floods hit.”